The purpose of this campaign is to support the growth of theĀ Cardiology and Oncology Programs and Services throughout CentraState Healthcare System to meet the expanding needs in our region.
To learn more about what isĀ happeningĀ in Cardiology Services:
To learn more about what is happeningĀ in Oncology Services:
Gifts in support of Cardiology Services are making more happen here:
- Build the new Robertshaw Cardiovascular Interventional Center
- Update all equipment in the Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Center
- Host a cardiovascular symposium for clinicians
- Build a Vascular Lab (under construction)
Gifts in support of Oncology Services are making more happen here:
- Build-out of 3rd Floor Oncology Unit (under construction)
- Expand Marilyn and Joseph Jacobs Genetic Testing Program
- Host an endocrine symposium for clinicians